Specialized education and training eliminates man-hour shortages in equipment maintenance
This is a customer case study of a semiconductor equipment manufacturer. By dispatching full-time engineers produced from NISSO's own education and training facilities, the client was able to resolve a shortage of human resources for manufacturing equipment maintenance and preservation work and achieve a high retention rate.
Customer Concerns
- 課題01
- Difficulty in securing personnel to perform highly specialized manufacturing facility maintenance tasks
- 課題02
- Staffing firms specializing in the engineering business are expensive.
- 課題03
- Retirements during the education period are a major challenge.
Effects of Service Introduction
- 効果01
- Eliminate human resource shortages in manufacturing equipment maintenance and preservation operations
- 効果02
- Achieve cost reductions
- 効果03
- High retention rate
By dispatching full-time engineers produced from NISSO's own education and training facilities, we have eliminated the shortage of human resources for manufacturing equipment maintenance and preservation work.
Compared to personnel agencies specializing in engineers, which tend to be over-specialized, costs are greatly reduced by training and dispatching personnel pinpointing the processes in which they are needed.
By supporting the dispatched full-time engineers with highly specialized members, we were able to quickly resolve daily issues and various problems and achieve a high retention rate.
Related services in this case study
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