Various Certifications
Nisso has obtained various certifications to fulfill its responsibility as a pioneer in manufacturing talent services and to maintain a healthy and highly functional workplace.
Excellent Manufacturing Outsourcing Service Provider
Certified businesses with the GJ Mark demonstrate excellent and appropriate operations, complying with laws and regulations in the outsourcing industry. The certification assesses elements such as compliance with labor laws, improvement in employment management, and enhancement of outsourcing systems. Nisso received this certification in 2011.
Excellent Staffing Service Provider
Certified "Excellent Staffing Service Providers" not only comply with laws but also support the career development of dispatched employees and ensure a better working environment. Nisso achieved this certification in 2015.
Privacy Mark
The Privacy Mark system certifies businesses that have established a framework to properly protect personal information in compliance with the Japanese Industrial Standard "JIS Q 15001 Personal Information Protection Management Systems - Requirements." Nisso obtained the Privacy Mark in 2006.
ISO 9001 is an international standard comprising guidelines for businesses to consistently deliver products or services with the quality demanded by customers and society. Nisso obtained ISO 9001 certification in 2011 for its manufacturing outsourcing of electronic components at Kanazawa KKM.
ISO 14001 is an international standard composed of various methods to support environmental management systems. Nisso obtained ISO 14001 certification in 2005 for its management activities related to outsourcing and staffing at its head office.