Privacy Policy

NISSO CORPORATION as a leading company engaged in the human resources business, practices the corporate motto "Corporate Responsibility as a Social Responsibility." Recognizing that human resources are our company's absolute and unique management resource, we always remain aware of the importance of the personal information entrusted to us and comply with legal regulations related to the protection of personal information. In accordance with the Japanese Industrial Standard "Requirements for Personal Information Protection Management Systems (JIS Q 15001)," we have established a personal information protection management system and formulated the following "Personal Information Protection Policy." We ensure that all executives and employees maintain a high level of awareness and continuously promote the proper handling of personal information.

  1. We will comply with laws, guidelines established by the government, other regulations, and the personal information protection management system related to personal information.
  2. Personal information handled by our company will be used only within the scope of employment, etc., and business operations of NISSO. We will take measures to prevent unauthorized use. We have established management systems both technically and internally to protect acquired personal information from leaks, loss, or damage and will implement appropriate protective measures and preventions.
  3. Personal information acquired will not be provided to third parties without the consent of the provider, except in the following cases:
    1. ① When the individual agrees to the provision.
    2. ② When personal information is used in a form where individual identification is impossible, such as in statistical data.
    3. ③ When provision is legally requested by law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, courts, or other legal institutions or public authorities.
  4. If the individual wishes to be informed of the purpose of use, disclose, correct, add or delete, suspend use, or refuse to provide personal information subject to disclosure, we will promptly respond. We have established a dedicated contact point to handle complaints, consultations, inquiries, etc., related to the handling of personal information and will respond promptly.
  5. To ensure proper operation regarding personal information, we will periodically review and continuously improve the personal information protection management system, and thoroughly implement its content within the company.

※ Inquiries regarding our company's personal information protection will be accepted at the following contact point:

Personal Information Protection Manager
General Affairs Department Manager

TEL: (81)45-476-4121
FAX: (81)45-476-4521

April 1, 2005 (Enactment Date)
November 1, 2018 (9th Edition Revision Issuance Date)
President and CEO, Ryuichi Shimizu

Handling of Personal Information

Name of Business Operator

Representative Director and President
NISSO Shin Yokohama Bldg., 1-4-1 Shin Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture

Personal Information Management Officer

The following person shall be responsible for managing the personal information obtained.
Head of General Affairs Division
Personal Information Protection Manager NISSO CORPORATION

Purpose of Use of Personal Information

We will use personal information within the scope of the following purposes of use.
Furthermore, based on the personal information provided, statistical data may be processed so that no individual can be identified. (We shall be able to use non-personally identifiable statistical data without any restrictions.)

Subject Purpose of Use
Registrant information on our company-operated website
  1. Provision of job information from our company's website and personal authentication for member services
  2. Provision of personal information to companies using our company's website based on the consent of registered members
Information for those who wish to receive our e-mail magazine
  1. Provision of work-related information and communications, etc., related to such information
  2. Provision of services requested by users and communications, etc., related to such services
Job applicant information
  1. Selection and decision on employment
  2. Sending of notices and questionnaires from our company
Employee information for contracting business, dispatching business, and employment placement dispatching (temp-to-perm) business
  1. Provision of job information
  2. Labor management operations
  3. Provision of welfare benefits
  4. Contact in case of emergency
  5. Response to enrollment confirmation
  6. Provision of services requested by our company
  7. Provision of information from our company
  8. Request for cooperation in questionnaires, etc., regarding our company's services
  9. Correction and update of personal information received
  10. For inquiries and contact regarding referral of friends
  11. For the provision of personal information (issuance of IDs at contracting and dispatching destinations, creation of admission cards, attendance management, etc.) to our company's business partners, etc.
Company employee information
  1. Labor management operations
  2. Provision of welfare benefits
  3. Contact in case of emergency
  4. Response to enrollment confirmation
  5. Correction and update of personal information received
Business partner information
  1. Business partner management
  2. Sales activities
Information obtained through public relations activities
  1. Publication in our company's public relations magazines, pamphlets and websites
  2. Publication of articles in the media
  3. Contact when public relations activities such as interview requests are required
Information about those who have contacted our company

Response to inquiries

Job applicant information of employees provided by recruitment agencies and job sites

Communication, selection and decision on employment

Personal information recorded on surveillance cameras

Security management such as crime prevention through entry and exit control


For the improvement of the quality of our company's quality of service and the provision of services tailored to your specific browsing situation by referencing your stored registration information when you log in to our authentication services.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

In principle, we will not provide the personal information we have obtained to a third party without the consent of the individual. When providing personal information, the following information will be clearly stated and provided after obtaining the consent of the individual:

  • Recipient
  • Purpose of provision to third parties
  • Items of personal information to be provided
  • Means or methods of provision
  • Type and attributes of persons or organization of persons receiving such information
  • Effect of the contract for handling personal information, when required

However, in the following cases, personal information may be provided without the consent of the individual:

  1. When it is required by law
  2. When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of the individual, and it is otherwise difficult to obtain their consent
  3. When it is necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the sound development of children, and it is otherwise difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
  4. When it is necessary to cooperate with national organizations, local authorities, or any other persons entrusted by them in performing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to impede the performance of such affairs
  5. When the individual explicitly requests the provision to a third party

Entrustment of Personal Information

Personal information may be entrusted to outsourcing companies that meet the level of personal information protection set forth by us to the extent that the above purpose of use is achieved.

Contact for Inquiries regarding Disclosure, etc., of Personal Information Obtained

Inquiry Form

Voluntary Nature of Providing Personal Information and Consequences of not Providing Such Information

Although it is voluntary for you to provide your personal information, if you do not provide the necessary items, you may not be able receive appropriate services. There will be no hindrance to the provision of services even if you do not provide the optional items, but if you provide them, we will be able to provide services more smoothly.

Acquisition of Personal Information by Means Not Easily Perceivable by the Individual

When you browse our website, we may use Cookies to identify your computer and enable you to use our services.
In addition, we may use information collected using Cookies and similar technologies to analyze your website usage (access status, traffic, routing, etc.) to improve the website performance and the services we provide to you through our website.
We may classify you based on certain conditions inferred from the information obtained through Cookies and provide information related to this classification to partners companies such as ad distribution companies, media companies, advertising agencies, and advertisers. The information we provide may be used to deliver behaviorally targeted advertising to you.
Furthermore, in the event that we disclose information collected using Cookies and similar technologies to third parties, we will do so within the scope permitted by the Act on the Protection of Personal Information.

Acquisition of Personal-related Information

When acquiring personal-related information, this site will notify or publicly announce the purpose of use (including the public announcement of the purpose of use as described above) in advance.
In addition, in order to measure the effectiveness of advertisements on this site, we may obtain information on advertisements clicked before visiting this site (date of click, advertisement posting site, etc.) from tools operated by a third party with your consent, and compare this information with the information registered.

Measures Taken for the Safe Management of Personal Information

In order to handle personal information more strictly, we have formulated personal information protection regulations based on the Personal Information Protection Policy in accordance with JIS Q 15001, and operate a personal information protection management system based on an understanding of the external environment.
In addition, when actually handling personal information, we take safety management measures from 4 perspectives: organizational, human, physical, and technical.

Shared Use of Personal Information

The Nisso Group may share personal information provided by group companies among group companies.

  • Items to be shared
    Name, date of birth, gender, address, telephone number, e-mail address, possible start date of employment, current employment status, etc.
  • Scope of shared use
    Nisso Group companies
    Please refer to the following link for the scope of the applicable group companies
    List of Group Companies
  • Purpose of Shared Use
    The personal information provided to us will be used to provide the following Nisso Group services and to inform you about our services.

    Types of Personal Information and Purpose of Use

    1. For the provision of job information services such as dispatching, contracting, and employment placement
      1. Introduction of job information
      2. Information on events, campaigns, etc.
      3. Conducting of questionnaires regarding our services
      4. Distribution of e-mail magazines
      5. Selection and decision on employment
    2. For labor management, etc., of employees
    3. For incidental operations related to various services
  • Persons Responsible for Management of Personal Information for Shared Use
    Head of General Affairs Division Personal Information Protection Manager
    Ryuichi Shimizu Representative Director and President
  • Method of Acquisition
    Obtained directly in writing

Procedures for Disclosure of Personal Information

Please refer to the [Handling of Personal Information] section for the purpose of use of personal information subject to disclosure that we have obtained.
We have established procedural rules for notification of the purpose of use of personal information, its disclosure, correction, addition or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties. Please follow the rules below to submit your request.

  1. You can make the following requests regarding the content of disclosure, etc. (regarding your own personal information).
    1. Request for Notification of Purpose of Use When you wish to view the purpose of use of personal information held by us.
    2. Request for Disclosure When you wish to view the personal information held by us.
    3. Request for Correction, Addition, or Deletion When you wish to correct any errors in the personal information held by us, or when you wish to add or delete information.
    4. Request for Suspension of Use, Erasure, or Suspension of Provision to Third Parties When personal information held by us has been obtained in an unauthorized manner (without the permission of the individual, etc.) used for a purpose other than its intended use, used within a reasonable period of time and to a reasonable extent based on prescribed procedures, and you wish to request the suspension of use, erasure, or suspension of provision of personal information to third parties (including outsourcing companies)
    5. Request for Records of Provision to Third Parties When you wish to view the records of provision of your personal data to third parties.
    In principle, we will disclose personal information in the event of a request for disclosure; however, we may not disclose personal information of third parties, information related to evaluations, information that has already been disposed of, or information that is stipulated by laws or ordinances not to be disclosed.
    Response to Requests
    In the event of a request, we will, in principle, decide whether or not to respond to the request within 10 days after identity verification, and notify the result in writing.
  2. Method of Requesting Disclosure, etc.
    1. Method of Request
      Please download the following form according to the content of the disclosure, etc., fill in the necessary information, and bring it to your nearest office of our company or mail it to the address on the request form. At that time, please enclose a copy of your proof of identity※ (driver's license, passport, etc.). If the form of identification does not have a photo attached, please enclose two or more different forms of identification.
      ※Please black out the registered domicile portion of the copy (or copies) to prevent the identification of your registered domicile.
    2. Download "Request Form for Notification of Purpose of Use of Personal Information"
      Request Form for Notification of Purpose of Use of Personal Information (PDF)
    3. Download "Request Form for Disclosure of Personal Information"
      Request Form for Disclosure of Personal Information (Excel)
      If you wish to disclose your personal data by electromagnetic means, etc., please fill in the data that can prove your identity and the above Personal Information Disclosure Request Form and send it to the email address below.
    4. Download "Request Form for Correction, Addition, and Partial Deletion of Personal Information"
      Request Form for Correction, Addition, and Partial Deletion of Personal Information (PDF)
    5. Download "Request Form for Suspension of Use, Erasure, or Suspension of Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties"
      Request Form for Suspension of Use, Erasure, or Suspension of Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties (PDF)
  3. Costs
    The following fees are required for filing a disclosure request. If you send a "Request Form for Disclosure of Personal Information" by mail, please enclose a fixed-amount postal money order for the handling fee.
  4. Response to Disclosure of Personal Information
    In order to prevent the disclosure of personal information to a third party, we will send the information to you by "simplified registered mail".

Click here to contact NISSO CORPORATION