NISSO's Human Resource Development

We cherish the founding principle of "Nurturing People, Empowering Lives," emphasizing human development above all.
Adapting to the changes in societal and industrial structures, we aim to cultivate talents capable of providing high-value services.


Enhancing Customer Satisfaction
Through Investment in Human Capital

We elevate the value of our service offerings by creating a positive cycle of development, job quality, improved customer satisfaction, enhanced performance, and investment in human resources.

Corporate Philosophy Corporate Philosophy
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We provide educational opportunities aimed at the growth and engagement enhancement of each employee.
We offer educational opportunities tailored to diverse talents, enabling them to thrive in a diverse society and adapt to social changes.
Through the provision of educational opportunities, we foster initiative and a spirit of challenge, supporting the realization of career visions.


Approach to Talent Development


Development of Educational Infrastructure

We have established in-house training facilities at nine locations nationwide to conduct high-value education and training.

Photo of Educational Infrastructure Development

Development of Contents, Curriculum, and Tools

Our talent development emphasizes practical experience at the workplace based on common concepts. We focus on knowledge education as the foundation and transform knowledge into wisdom through practical application.

Photo of Content, Curriculum, and Tool Development

Development of Instructors

High-quality education and training require well-equipped instructors. We are developing internal instructors to establish a continuous talent development system.

Photo of Instructor Development

Implementation of Reskilling

We facilitate learning at OFF-JT and apply it in OJT for growth. Through reskilling, we enhance talent development, adding further value.

Photo of Reskilling Implementation

Aiming for High-Value Education

Diverse talents acquiring specialized skills contribute to active participation in various societies, leading to enhanced engagement of our customers and employees. We continue our talent development to achieve this.

Photo of Social and Job Seeker Appeal
Photo of Fundamental Hazard Simulation TrainingPhoto of Fundamental Hazard Perception Training

Fundamental Hazard Simulation Training

In workplaces, various machinery and equipment operate, and chemicals and heavy objects are handled. To reduce unacceptable risks, we conduct "hazard simulation training" to sense various hidden dangers in the workplace. This training is applied to daily occupational safety and health practices.


Supporting Infrastructure

Possession of Well-Equipped Educational Training Facilities

We are committed to talent development through educational training facilities located nationwide. The Nisso Technical Centers Higashi-Nihon, Naka-Nihon, and Kumamoto are designated as certified schools in Miyagi, Nagano, and Kumamoto Prefectures, respectively.

Location Map Location Map
  • Technical
  • Training
  • Techno
What is a Technical Center?
A large-scale educational training facility that provides specialized education for highly skilled professionals in various industries such as automotive, electrical, and semiconductor.

Nisso Technical Center Higashi-Nihon

Miyagi Prefectural Governor Accredited Vocational Training School
  • Automotive/EV
  • Semiconductor
  • Electronics

Facility offering training in equipment technology using actual semiconductor manufacturing equipment, pre-assignment training, and fundamental design education (3D-CAD).

Educational Programs
  • Engineer Training (Equipment, Production, Design)
  • Pre-assignment Education for Automotive
  • Hazard Awareness Training
  • Industrial Robot, Low Voltage Special Education
  • Supervisor Education
  • New Employee Training
  • Various Outsourced Education
  • Discipline Training
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Nisso Technical Center Higashi-Nihon

Nisso Technical Center Naka-Nihon

Nagano Prefectural Governor Accredited Vocational Training School
  • Automotive/EV
  • Semiconductor
  • Electronics

The facility conducts training in equipment technology using actual semiconductor manufacturing equipment, pre-assignment training, and fundamental design education (3D-CAD).

Educational Programs
  • Engineer Training (Equipment, Production, Design)
  • Pre-assignment Education
  • Hazard Awareness Training
  • Industrial Robot, Low Voltage Special Education
  • Supervisor Education
  • New Employee Training
  • Various Outsourced Education
  • Discipline Training
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Nisso Technical Center Naka-Nihon

Nisso EV Technical Center Kansai

Shiga Prefectural Governor Accredited Vocational Training School
  • Automotive/EV

The facility focuses on human resource development related to storage batteries, and also trains global human resources.

Educational Programs
  • EV (storage battery) basic education
  • Global Human Resource Education
  • Manufacturing OP introduction skills training (storage batteries)
  • Technical training on actual equipment (specializing in the manufacture of storage batteries)
  • Self-maintenance Education
  • Engineer training (equipment technology/production technology)
  • Hazard Awareness Training
  • Special training for handling low-voltage electricity
  • Special Education for Industrial Robots
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Nisso EV Technical Center Kansai

Nisso Technical Center Kumamoto

Kumamoto Prefectural Governor Accredited Vocational Training School
  • Automotive/EV
  • Semiconductor
  • Electronics

The facility provides training in equipment technology using actual semiconductor manufacturing equipment, pre-assignment training, and specialized education in electronic device manufacturing, especially in semiconductors.

Educational Programs
  • Engineer Training (Equipment, Production)
  • Pre-assignment Education
  • Specialized Education in Semiconductors
  • Preservation Education for Semiconductors
  • Supervisor Education
  • Hazard Awareness Training
  • Industrial Robot, Low Voltage Special Education
  • Discipline Training
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Nisso Technical Center Kumamoto
What is a Training Center?
It is an educational training facility that provides specialized skills education for specific industries.

Nisso Tomakomai Training Center

  • Automotive

This facility provides skill training for placement in automotive manufacturing lines and other related areas, including pre-assignment technical education, hazard perception training, and discipline training.

Educational Content
  • Pre-assignment education
  • Hazard perception training
  • Discipline training

Nisso Ota Training Center

  • Automotive

This facility provides training for skills required in automotive manufacturing lines and related areas. The training includes pre-assignment technical education, hazard perception training, and discipline training.

Educational Content
  • Pre-assignment education
  • Hazard perception training
  • Discipline training
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Nisso Ota Training Center

Nisso Hamamatsu Training Center

  • Automotive/EV
  • Electronics

This facility provides training for skills required in automotive manufacturing lines and related areas. The training includes pre-assignment technical education, hazard perception training, and discipline training.

Educational Content
  • Pre-assignment education
  • Hazard perception training
  • Discipline training
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Nisso Hamamatsu Training Center

Nisso Toyota Training Center

  • Automotive

This facility provides training for skills required in automotive manufacturing lines and related areas. The training includes pre-assignment technical education, hazard perception training, and discipline training.

Educational Content
  • Pre-assignment education
  • Hazard perception training
  • Discipline training
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Nisso Toyota Training Center
Techno Center
This education and training facility conducts group training sessions centered around classroom learning, aimed at employees ranging from new recruits to managers. The training includes group seminars and career development sessions.

Techno Center

  • Group Seminars
    Group Seminars

Located within the corporate headquarters building, the Techno Center conducts group training sessions for new employees as well as training sessions tailored for different job roles and levels. These sessions are designed to enhance daily job performance and motivation in the workplace.

Educational Content
  • New Employee Training
  • Job Role-Specific Education
Nisso Technical Center Headquarters

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